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    Changing Others

    Check out this short, 9 minute video about our energy and changing others.  It just showed up in my inbox and was exactly what I needed today as I thought about some close relationships. Changing Others, Christy Whitman   Related articles The Best of Christy Whitman – Law Of Attraction Products And Courses Song of Myself

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    Time to Get Sandbagged

    Here in Florida, the hurricane season will be starting soon.  In other parts of the country, that means flood season (if it actually rains).  I remember seeing pictures last year of houses with sandbags stacked around them to protect the property against rising water.  Most houses don’t need protection from normal amounts of rain, but when there’s too much or when it’s constant and can’t drain off, it washes in and takes over … sometimes destroying the home and/or it’s contents. The same is true for stress.  Our bodies can handle a little bit of stress in our lives but when there is constant drama or too much at one…

  • Stressed Desserts,  Uncategorized,  Wellness

    Go Ahead … Throw That Temper Tantrum

    Most of us are adults here … but do you ever find yourself wishing you could just throw a nice big temper tantrum?!?!?!?  Today is one of those days. I hadn’t really thought about the tantrum thing for a while (my kids are way past that) but I was reading a book last night on reducing stress and it talked about acceptable adult versions of a good ol’ “temper tantrum” and how beneficial they can be in helping us reduce stress. In our effort to control ourselves and the world around us, we often stuff those feelings of anger and frustration as they don’t look good to other folks.  I…

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    Who Says You’re Unworthy?

    Unworthy, wretch, worm. So many de-valuing adjectives have been used in Christian circles to describe the followers of Christ that it’s no wonder we place little value on ourselves or what we have to offer. More emphasis is placed on those pieces of scripture than on this one … “you are perfectly and wonderfully made” or the fact that our Creator can number the hairs on our head (I’ll bet neither your mom nor your spouse can do that and they love you LOTS). If the Creator of everything on the earth cares enough about us to know how many hairs we have (or don’t have), don’t you think we’re…

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    Attitude — It’s Everything … and It’s a Choice

    I received the following message in an email from a friend recently. I’ve seen it several times but it touched me today after several conversations with friends and family who were getting worn out by constant bombardment of negativity from people around them. Attitude really is everything and it is a choice. John is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, ‘If I were any better, I would be twins!’ He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day,…

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    Control? What Control?

    My boyfriend will tell you I am still a bit of a control freak.  Oh, I’m WAAAAY better than I used to be, but I still am working on letting go.  Today’s reading for Money Mindset Challenge reminded me of my need to work on this.  Hmmm … when I was meditating this morning (before reading the message for today), I got the distinct feeling that I needed to release the mental grasp I have on several relationships and just let them happen.  Or, “let life happen”. Living in the moment is not easy for me and whenever someone is upset, I assume I did something wrong (goes back to…

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    Wisdom for the Moment

    This quote was on a Facebook “feed” which I receive on my page today.  I started writing this post a few days ago and find it no coincidence … “If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.”   ~ Lao Tzu Ever ask yourself, “Where is my peace?  How can I get it back again?”  If you’re like me, these questions get asked way more than we want to admit.  How often do we let the concerns of tomorrow rob us of the joy in TODAY because we’re…

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    It’s a Balancing Act

    Being balanced is not a matter of living a life of perfection. It is the ability to take the positive and negative as they occur without allowing them to cause undue stress in your life. It is in truly understanding the difference between the things in life which you can control and the things over which you have no control and letting go of the latter. Peace doesn’t come from everything going great in your life – though it’s easy to be at peace in these times. Real peace comes from trusting in the process of the universe and finding gratitude for what you have (instead of bemoaning all the…

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    The Anatomy of Resolve

    I resolve to ____________________ Just what are the steps to creating a resolution?  How do I follow through and keep it?  Are there any secrets to ensuring success? I guess the first step is in realizing there is something in my life that needs to be changed.  If it’s something I want to change for myself, it’s way more likely to make it to the top of my “to do” list.  So … removing weight from my life … not physical weight but emotional baggage. OK … let’s dump “the perfectionist” thing I have going on as well as the burden to be everything to everybody.  Both are most excellent…

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    Between the Sheets

    Do you ever feel your life is messy and cluttered and lacks tranquility? I know I do. I can’t always change the circumstances in my life to create a sense of calm, but there are things I can do with my home to lessen the appearance of stress. De-cluttering is one of them. Now, before you turn a deaf ear … hear me out. I’m not saying to get rid of all your stuff or create rooms that border on pristine. And I’m not saying to do your WHOLE house all at once. But if you can start in one room, it helps provide a relaxing area for you to…