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    The Beat Goes On

    It’s easy to become distracted from your dream or your vision … or even indifferent at times.  How do we hold the vision before us, even when we feel we’re not making any progress, and take the next step and the next?  What if you spend so much time and energy encouraging others that you seem to run out of steam for yourself?  What if there’s not a steady influx of emotional support for you … to keep you motivated to “take that next step”? This is one of my struggles, maybe my biggest one.  My mom was great at this and I miss having her reassurance in my life. …

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    What’s the Plan?

    It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted anything. Part of that is my schedule and part of it is because most of what I’d been writing was inspired by conversations and emails to a friend as encouragement for a tough time – and I just didn’t know where to go with it anymore. It seems like sometimes no matter how much faith we have or believe things will get better if we “do the right thing” – crap just happens and things go from bad to worse. What are we supposed to tell people then? When things are crumbling and the pieces just keep falling, how does one avoid…

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    Find the Silver Lining

    Big news on TV this morning is a drop in the unemployment rate. Yet, the newscasters are very up-front in telling us that it’s mostly due to people who simply are no longer looking for work as they’ve given up finding a job. Most of those who are unemployed have been so for more than 6 months. Florida ranks high not only in unemployment but also in real estate foreclosures. There are so many foreclosures here in Marion County, and a friend in real estate was just telling me there will be LOTS more as banks begin foreclosing on second mortgages. It is very much a depressed area – financially…

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    Winds of Change

    Not sure what’s happening in my life right now, but feel like the “winds of change” are about to pick up and move things around. I can see several areas in my life where changes may occur. Not that any of them are bad, but all change creates stress (good and/or bad stress both affect our bodies). Our reaction to stress determines whether the stress becomes chronic (ongoing) or is acute (short term). Yesterday I talked about change being the only constant in life. How we react to change affects not only ourselves, but also all the people around us – family, friends, co-workers, and even the clerk at the…

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    Against the Current

    I read something earlier today that caused me to pause and reflect for a bit … the only “constant” in life is CHANGE. As much as we may dislike change and seek structure and sameness, we must be willing to allow change to occur. There is a flow to our lives based on the decisions we’ve made and the circumstances we are in. We can either go with the flow or fight against it. It’s pretty much like being a kayak or canoe on a river … it’s much easier to let the current carry you downstream than it is to go against the natural flow of the river and…

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    Creating Blessings

    I’ve got Christmas music coming through the TV from a DISH channel. Now all I need is a fireplace and a winter wonderland to look at out my window. Note … I don’t want to shovel the snow, just look at it 🙂 Christmas will be here in just a few days, and I have no clue where the last year has gone. Much has happened and time seems to have flown by. Despite a great deal of uncertainty about the future, I have a peace about my life that I didn’t know would ever exist. This is, in part, thanks to the great guy in my life … but…