
Against the Current

I read something earlier today that caused me to pause and reflect for a bit … the only “constant” in life is CHANGE. As much as we may dislike change and seek structure and sameness, we must be willing to allow change to occur. There is a flow to our lives based on the decisions we’ve made and the circumstances we are in. We can either go with the flow or fight against it. It’s pretty much like being a kayak or canoe on a river … it’s much easier to let the current carry you downstream than it is to go against the natural flow of the river and go upstream.

We find comfort in the “known” things of life and the “unknown” often causes fear and trepidation. Yet our faith is more firmly established when we venture into the unknown and let the natural flow of life lead us along the path which becomes our purpose. The challenge of a trip is not in arriving at your destination but rather in “traveling” to that point. From the moment we are born to the last second of our life when we cease to breathe, we are traveling along the road of LIFE. It has ups and downs, twists and turns, starts and stops. If we take each as it comes, it is much less stressful than getting angry or frustrated by what we see as delays.

The timing of the Creator and the universe is perfect – the jobs we have, people we meet, encounters we have. All of these things create a unique individual as no one else has this same combination of experiences … no one is like us. Our purpose is unique with some being huge and impacting the world and others being small in comparison and reaching only or family. While the scope may be small, the significance is not. We are each significant to the people in our lives and our actions create a ripple effect that is far-reaching – and not just to our generation but for many generations.

I don’t know what the grand plan is for my life, but I’ve kind of stopped trying to figure it out. I trust the Creator to have me in the right place at the right time and to cause things to come together to put me there. I am blessed in that my boyfriend often reminds me that “there is a time and place for everything”.  His frequent reminders help me remember that everything works out as it should and to just take each day as it comes. Sometimes this means reminding myself hour by hour or minute by minute – that I just need to go with the flow.


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