
Winds of Change

Not sure what’s happening in my life right now, but feel like the “winds of change” are about to pick up and move things around. I can see several areas in my life where changes may occur. Not that any of them are bad, but all change creates stress (good and/or bad stress both affect our bodies). Our reaction to stress determines whether the stress becomes chronic (ongoing) or is acute (short term).

Yesterday I talked about change being the only constant in life. How we react to change affects not only ourselves, but also all the people around us – family, friends, co-workers, and even the clerk at the grocery checkout. We’ve probably all been in a situation where someone with a very negative attitude walks into a room and the mood of the whole room changes. This is a dramatic example of how attitude sets the tone for everything. Do you want to have a life of peace or one of discord? What kind of energy or attitude are you creating around you?

Negative thoughts and attitudes zap our strength and decrease the effectiveness of our immune system; whereas positive thoughts and attitudes enhance our strength which, in turn, increases the ability of our immune system to fend off the invasion. Our health suffers when we live under frequent of constant stress. Research indicates that 75% or more of illness is related to stress. Stress can alter the shape of our blood cells which affects how they work.

The book “Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto provides other great documented research about how thoughts affect the shape of water molecules – our body is approximately 60% water. This book is a pretty quick read and provides a great deal of food for thought.

With a new year just beginning, I’m thinking it’s a good time to really re-think how I’m thinking, speaking, and acting and determine to make changes that will enhance not only my life but the lives of everyone around me. Maybe you’d like to join me in this New Year’s Resolution.


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