
  • Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Hurry Less,  Peaceful Living,  Relax & Renew,  Wellness

    Stress: It’s Killing Us

    Stress is a major contributing factor in most illness and dis-ease … research indicates upwards of 90% or more (including but not limited to cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, inflammation, depression, HIV/AIDS).  But when was the last time your doctor talked to you about how to manage stress or even what might be stressing you?  Understanding stress management is one of the best things you can do for your overall health and well-being. In today’s fast-paced society, we are exposed to more stress in a day than our ancestors of 50-100 years ago were in a month.  While technology can instantly place information at our fingertips, it creates an enormous amount…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Wellness

    What is Intuitive Energy Healing?

    Intuitive energy healing involves working with the body\’s natural energetic field. It’s a holistic healing approach that reinforces and promotes the body\’s natural ability to heal.  Each session is unique, highly specialized, and designed to meet the needs of the client.  Intuitive energy healing can be used to help bring balance for physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual healing.   The subtle, intangible, invisible energy parts of you are the extremely powerful.  They are the blueprints and building blocks that create the physical you.  When you are experiencing dis-ease, illness, and/or dysfunction within the body, it is because the subtle part is providing the instruction to do so.  When we address subtle…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Life Coaching,  Relax & Renew,  Transform Your Life,  Wellness

    How Much Emotional Baggage Are You Carrying?

    Everyone experiences unpleasant stressors in life. These can be a result of family issues, workplace stress, problematic relationships, illness, and more. Emotions arise as a result of these stressors and can have immense effects on mental and physical health. This so-called “emotional baggage” must be evaluated and analyzed in order to maintain feelings, emotions, behaviors, and overall health. Emotional baggage is often detrimental to emotional health. The amount of baggage carried by an individual is often underestimated in its level of influence; therefore, the necessary coping skills and strategies are not employed in response to these stressors. Acceptance is often alternatively employed to passively accept the existence of baggage. This…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Health & Wellness,  Quiet Spaces,  Relax & Renew,  Safe Sanctuary,  Wellness

    Is Stress Disturbing Your Sleep?

    Sometimes our fast-paced, high-stress world sets the stage for sleep to be far less effective than we need it to be.  Our bodies and subconscious rely on getting a good night’s sleep much more than you may realize.  A great deal of rejuvenation takes place during those periods of deep sleep, and if we aren’t getting them, some of those repair processes are left undone. When our bodies are fully relaxed and in a deep state of sleep, our muscles are also relaxed and the blood passes through the circulatory system easier and becomes more fully oxygenated as it passes through the lungs (this removes carbon dioxide from the blood). …

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Relax & Renew,  Uncategorized,  Wellness

    What Happens After a Session?

    I’m often asked what kind of feelings you may experience after a session or reading (emotional and physical). To be honest … it all depends.  Some folks feel energized and fantastic while others feel emotionally drained or out-of-sorts.  And it depends on whether you are sensitive to vibrational energy shifts in your body. Energy healing may be subtle – but it is very powerful and can be a wonderful tool that leads to profound health benefits.  Let me see if I can explain … Whenever we do energy work (and that’s what all my work is about), we are changing the body’s vibrational energy.  Most folks can’t physically “see” this, but…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Wellness

    What Are Flower Essences?

    A flower essence session enhances the individual’s awareness of personal patterns by dilute flower preparations.  This is accomplished by giving the individual a conscious opportunity to continue or change the way they do things. An individual no longer needs flower essences after change and growth have occurred. There is a theory that the frequency of the life energy of a particular flower affects the frequency of the life energy in people, bringing vibrations that are out of balance into balance. Everything in the universe carries a vibration including colors, sounds, and organs in the body. Some even say flower essences work in the same way as a synchronizing tuning fork,…

  • Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Safe Sanctuary,  Wellness

    Grief – Surviving the Holidays

    Many struggle through the holidays carrying a burden of grief.  It may be grief caused by the death of a loved one, or it may be the loss of a way of life (divorce, break-up, job loss, career change), it could be the diagnosis of a terminal illness, or any life-altering event. There are 7 stages of grief and we need to work through each of them to move forward: shock and denial, pain and guilt, anger and bargaining, depression, the upward turn, reconstruction and working through, acceptance and hope. Grief is very personal.  Some people work through them faster than others and the order is not the same for…

  • Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Life Coaching,  Positive Thinking & Affirmations,  Quiet Spaces,  Thoughts Are Things,  Transform Your Life,  Wellness

    Happiness and Health: The Two Most Important Things in Life

    The world appears to be obsessed with money and material things.   Keeping up appearances … the size of your house, the type of car you drive, and even where you travel on your holidays … has many folks trying to do one better do their friends and family.  I find this sad and disheartening. I have a friend who is like those mentioned above.  His thoughts are consumed with money.  He is always talking about money … how to earn it, how to spend it, how much he doesn’t have, how much “so and so” makes, all the things he’ll change when he wins the lottery, etc. He spends more on…

  • Health & Wellness,  Wellness

    Is It REALLY Worth It?

    Sometimes we just don’t realize how much food has to do with our body aches and state of mind.  I hopefully learned a lesson over the past couple of days. I’ve been busy the past few days and I ate more prepared foods than I normally do.  I don’t fix fancy meals, but I usually work mostly from scratch and use as much organic as possible.  We have a couple of Aldi stores close to us which makes organic options affordable.  I also find I feel better if I limit starches. Let’s just say that my diet earlier this week was anything but normal for me and I felt the…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Life Coaching,  Limiting Beliefs,  Transform Your Life,  Wellness

    Cord Cutting

    Cord Cutting First, a bit about entanglement or cords: Our energy field can look something like this mass of electrical wires in the photo. Quantum Entanglement is the concept that two people, no matter how physically far apart they may be, can still be connected by an invisible cord of energy. The space between you and any other person/object may appear empty, but it is full of energy. You have living energy, your spouse or partner has energy, the lamp has electrical energy, and even the sofa has potential energy. The energy in the spaces between generally just passes through the other energy. It slides on by without causing more…