
  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Limiting Beliefs,  Thoughts Are Things,  Wellness

    What is Emotion Code?

    Energy Balancing is a simple and powerful method to remove negative energy and/or false beliefs and replace them with positive ones.  Your body has the innate ability to bounce back and heal itself from all kinds of stress, trauma, and illness. This self-healing is dependent on the systems and organs of the body working in harmony with each other.  When the trapped emotions are contributing to physical, emotional or mental illness, removing them can help us heal.  Sessions consist of emotional release, energy balancing, subconscious belief pattern reprogramming, and life/wellness coaching.  It is an easy process that releases negative baggage from the past and allows you to experience healing and…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Peaceful Living,  Wellness

    What is Reiki?

    Reiki is a lovely Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation of the body and mind. It typically increases feelings of peacefulness, balance and wholeness.  This, then, aids in promoting healing as it facilitates stress reduction and relaxation. By definition, Rei (ray) ki (key) is spiritual energy. We all have spiritual (or life force) energy. If one’s “life force energy” is low or not moving freely, we are more likely to become sick or feel stress.  If our life force energy is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Reiki is a complementary approach to well-being and can safely be used in conjunction with other allopathic (traditional…

  • Hurry Less,  Peaceful Living,  Wellness

    To Jump or Not to Jump … I Jump

    Growing up doesn’t have to get boring or be uber-serious.  I wish someone would have told me this a long time ago instead of leading me to believe that growing up meant taking life seriously (very seriously) and taking the “fun” out of it. Now, I’ll grant that there are times and places for fun and being silly and the “board room” isn’t likely one of them (though there may be some instances in some board rooms).  But why do we teach kids to stop jumping on the bed?  The most obvious reason is the potential danger and/or property damage … falling off the bed, hitting your head on the…

  • Stressed Desserts,  Wellness

    I Want My Blankie

    Did you have a favorite blanket when you were growing up?  I don’t remember a blanket but I remember a stuffed tiger I got when I was in grade school — our team mascot was a tiger.  More than 20 years later, I still had that tiger.  It wasn’t huge but wasn’t small and when I curled up with it, everything seemed to be better.  Even after I was married, I kept the tiger and all too often it was more comforting than my husband … if you’re thinking the marriage wouldn’t last, you’re right … it didn’t.  Tiger finally fell apart and I figured I didn’t need him much…

  • Money Matters,  Wellness

    What’s for Dinner?

    So, What’s for dinner????? I don’t know about you, but that’s become one of the top 5 things I really dread hearing. When I didn’t work outside the home (aka — I was unemployed), it wasn’t too much of a big deal as I really like to cook and bake. When my kids were little and I worked, I used the crockpot and methods like Once-A-Month Cooking where you fix most of your meals on a weekend or fix a double batch every time and put half of it in the freezer. Meals were still pretty quick. The past couple of years, I’ve gotten used to eating out … a…

  • Wellness

    Explaining Fibromyalgia

    I have fibromyalgia.  I am very thankful that I’ve learned to moderate my life so the condition isn’t all-consuming, but it does affect what I do and how I do it.  Gone are the days when I could run all day and half the night too.  I am so very thankful that my boyfriend seems to understand.  My heart goes out to friends and family who have a much more debilitating level of it than I have.  My daughter’s level of pain, discomfort, and inability to fully participate in life is much more severe than mine.  I happen to be in a “fibro-flare” today — how does it feel?  I’m…

  • Stressed Desserts,  Uncategorized,  Wellness

    Go Ahead … Throw That Temper Tantrum

    Most of us are adults here … but do you ever find yourself wishing you could just throw a nice big temper tantrum?!?!?!?  Today is one of those days. I hadn’t really thought about the tantrum thing for a while (my kids are way past that) but I was reading a book last night on reducing stress and it talked about acceptable adult versions of a good ol’ “temper tantrum” and how beneficial they can be in helping us reduce stress. In our effort to control ourselves and the world around us, we often stuff those feelings of anger and frustration as they don’t look good to other folks.  I…