Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Limiting Beliefs,  Thoughts Are Things,  Wellness

What is Emotion Code?

Energy Balancing is a simple and powerful method to remove negative energy and/or false beliefs and replace them with positive ones.  Your body has the innate ability to bounce back and heal itself from all kinds of stress, trauma, and illness. This self-healing is dependent on the systems and organs of the body working in harmony with each other.  When the trapped emotions are contributing to physical, emotional or mental illness, removing them can help us heal.  Sessions consist of emotional release, energy balancing, subconscious belief pattern reprogramming, and life/wellness coaching.  It is an easy process that releases negative baggage from the past and allows you to experience healing and peace so you are able to live a healthier, happier, and more prosperous life!

About The Emotion Code

The Emotion Code is an energy balancing technique that helps us to identify release trapped emotions (harmful emotional energies from negative past events). Trapped emotions, life stress and limiting beliefs can build up over time. This creates aches and pains, depression and sadness, anxiety/PTSD, insomnia, lack of purpose in life, relationship problems, and overwhelming stress. You no longer have to live with emotional distress, physical pain, or blocks to your goals. As trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert and influence the physical tissues, and cause acute pain and even illness/disease.   Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal – so physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much more manageable.  Through energy healing, you can be in charge of your life!  Energy Healing works with the Quantum Field using the power of focused intention and connection to spirit, or source, energy.

About The Body Code

The Body Code is a simple, gentle, and powerful form of natural healing (balancing).  It addresses imbalances that prevent you from achieving wellness.  The Body Code is an energy balancing system specifically designed to help you navigate through many of life’s perplexing issues, find the deep underlying reasons you have them and then realize real solutions.  Your body functions on auto-pilot most of the time.  You breathe without thinking about it, new red blood cells are continually being formed, and your lymphatic system carries toxins away while you secrete hormones to digest your food.  All of this happens subconsciously while you\’re working, reading a book, or playing with your kids.  Your subconscious is really running the show and keeping us alive … and it knows and remembers everything.  The Body Code allows us to consciously connect with your subconscious knowledge base and find the specific information about the imbalances creating health challenges.  We can identify the underlying cause of your physical, mental or emotional issues, release them and let self-healing begin!  I am currently in training with this program and occasionally use it during energy balancing sessions.  It can provide profound shifts in emotional mental, and physical well-being.

The Heart Wall

The heart is actually the core of our being; it is the center of our soul, the seat of the subconscious mind, and our creativity.  Past experiences such as disappointment, shock, abandonment, heartbreak, fear, or loss of a loved one, can lead to a build up of trapped emotions. When these trapped emotions are layered around the heart and in the heart’s energy field, it’s called a Heart Wall.  It is estimated that approximately 93% of people have a heart wall.  In an effort to protect this vital part of ourselves, this collection of trapped emotions is used as the building material to create a “bomb shelter” like structure. The frequencies of these trapped emotions are wrapped layer by layer around the heart (they can be removed layer by layer as well).  The effects of a Heart Wall can lead to devastating effects in health and happiness A Heart Wall can cause physical symptoms and make it harder for the body to heal itself.  Releasing the Heart Wall allows for peace, forgiveness, connection, positive relationships, the ability to relax and move forward in life, and improved communication.  For most people, Heart Wall clearing takes 4 sessions.  More about the Heart Wall is on this page.anxiety/PTSD, insomnia, lack of purpose in life, relationship problems, and overwhelming stress. You no longer have to live with emotional distress, physical pain, or blocks to your goals. As trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert and influence the physical tissues, and cause acute pain and even illness/disease.   Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal – so physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much more manageable.  Through energy healing, you can be in charge of your life!  Energy Healing works with the Quantum Field using the power of focused intention and connection to spirit, or source, energy.

Inherited Emotions

Our cells have memory. That memory is passed down through our DNA.  A growing body of research suggests that we inherit not only physical DNA – but emotional/energetic DNA as well.  Inherited trauma, or epigenetic trauma, can be passed down from one generation to the next and manifests as emotional and physical challenges such as anxiety, depression, stress, weight issues, addictions, toxic relationships, negative financial experiences, lack of confidence, illness/disease, and more which are triggered by events you never experienced firsthand — but your ancestors did.  One of the most well-known examples of generational trauma comes from descendants of Holocaust survivors. A 2013 study indicates that Holocaust survivors may pass trauma onto their offspring by passing altered stress hormones.  When these issues are addressed, they can be released and you break the chain so that it cannot be passed down any further.


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