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In Need of Quiet Distraction

You know how every once in a while (or maybe more like all the time) you have song lyrics continually running through your head? No matter what you do, they just don’t seem to stop … even at night when you’re trying to sleep. Do you ever have troublesome thoughts that do the same thing? Me too!

Last night and this morning I found myself in that boat. I knew it was time to let someone move on from being part of my life but just couldn’t seem to let go. I kept going back over why we needed to stay in touch and how I needed to be there for him.

I didn’t sleep well last night and it was still on my mind when I got up this morning. I grabbed my coffee and headed to my front porch to “sit a spell”. As I sat there, I started to focus on the sounds around me instead of the chatter running through my head. I have a small fountain and the trickling water was very soothing to my senses. We have bird feeders set out in several places and I watched the assortment of birds, and the occasional squirrel, come grab a few bites and then move to a more secure location … only to come back again a couple of minutes later.

As I sat and watched and listened, the quietness calmed my mind and allowed a gentle peace to fill the space that was previously filled with chatter. I am now able to focus on other things and have a different perspective on the relationship I needed to release. Not sure it will be easy, but I am very grateful for the quiet peacefulness of my little porch … and for fresh coffee.

Sometimes a quiet distraction is more helpful than being busy.


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