Health & Wellness,  Wellness

Is It REALLY Worth It?

Sometimes we just don’t realize how much food has to do with our body aches and state of mind.  I hopefully learned a lesson over the past couple of days.

I’ve been busy the past few days and I ate more prepared foods than I normally do.  I don’t fix fancy meals, but I usually work mostly from scratch and use as much organic as possible.  We have a couple of Aldi stores close to us which makes organic options affordable.  I also find I feel better if I limit starches.

Let’s just say that my diet earlier this week was anything but normal for me and I felt the effects of it yesterday!

We had spaghetti for dinner on Monday (noodles were not organic), chicken/rice something on Tuesday (rice mix was definitely processed and not organic), ordered pizza on Wednesday, and I had left-over rice/chicken stuff as a late lunch on Thursday.   Daytime was salads and fresh fruits.

I hadn’t had pizza in sooooo long and it was marvelous!!!!!  I’m just not sure it was worth it.

I woke up in the middle of the night a couple of days ago and noticed that my knuckles were stiff.  Yesterday morning my brain was in a hazy fog and I noticed my knees REALLY hurt as did my hip which has been surprisingly good of late.  I shrugged it off to weather and the effects of the moon on the water in my body.  I muddled through the day and got almost nothing accomplished.

I went to bed early but couldn’t get comfortable.  Not any high degree of pain, just not AT ALL comfortable.  For once, my brain wasn’t going a hundred miles an hour, but it wouldn’t/couldn’t just “let go” … kind of just going round and round without really thinking “things” but not being quiet either.

I’d already used all my “tried and true” methods of inducing sleep and nothing was working!!!!  I would sleep 10-15 minutes and then be so uncomfortable that I’d wake up.  About 3 am this morning is when I realized how my food choices this week were impacting my body and most definitely disrupting my sleep.  I relentingly took some ibuprofen and turned up the volume of the rain and thunderstorm I had on YouTube, and laid back down.

Ahhhhh … finally, sleep … for a few hours anyway.  I’m tired today, but I can think a little more clearly and I’m looking forward to getting some work done.

I remember when I first started eating better a few years ago.  My diet was already pretty good, I just cleaned it up a little more and removed 99% of the processed food.  It made a huge difference in my mood and my ability to think clearly.  I was able to stop taking not only my blood pressure pills but also my mood stabilizers.  The inflammation in my joints disappeared and I had more freedom of movement.

If processed foods are a part of your diet, I suggest removing them for 60-90 days to see how you feel.  I think you’ll find it makes a big difference.


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