Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Relax & Renew,  True Self

Morning Routine

In an earlier post, I referenced my morning routine.  I thought I’d expand on it a bit.  Personal rituals can be an important part of who we are and how we go about living “on purpose” or being fully present.  These rituals or routines help to stabilize our identity.

My morning routine, most days, provides the time and space for me to sit and just “listen” to what my guides and angels want me to know.  After rising and getting dressed, I brew a cup of coffee.  While this is happening, I take my vitamins and feed the dog.  Then I take my cup and head to my home office.

I put on some quiet, meditative music and light a small candle.  Then I put an essential oil blend in the diffuser (whatever I feel like I need for the day) and light some incense.  I get comfortable in my swivel rocker and sit in quiet with a still mind for 15 or 20 minutes.  I keep a piece of paper and pen on my lap to quickly note anything that pops into my head.  This allows me to remember whatever it was rather than loosing myself in the thought and missing out on my quiet time.

I then spend 15 or 20 minutes sending love, light, and healing energy to family, friends, community, national or global issues.  I don’t keep a physical list, but just send energy to whoever or whatever pops into my head.  I have found that spirit always brings to mind those who need the energy.

I go through my personal affirmations (usually 5 or 6 each month) and reflect on where I am in that process.  On the “daily” page in my journal, I have room to record 5-6 items for which I am grateful … not necessarily anything earth shattering … sometimes pretty small … the sounds of birds outside my window, the fresh smell after a rain, a call from a friend, unexpected blessings, etc.  When I’ve finished these, I write down whatever message my guides have for me for the day and then draw a card from my “deck of the month” and see what guidance it might have for me.

Quite often, these last 2 are very similar and provide validation for each other.  Or, they might validate something I’ve been thinking about or that has been going on in my life.  They often align with signs and symbols I’ve received in other aspects of my waking or dreaming life.  When spirit is trying to get your attention, it uses many different ways … often progressing from obscure to obvious depending on whether we or not we are listening.

I would encourage each of you to develop a time in your day when you can allow yourself quiet time during which you can listen to your guides for intuitive direction. It’s taken me a while to develop a routine that works for me.  Being able to work from home has definitely made it easier, but I know folks who have created their routines around their drive or ride to or from work as well (using this transit time for audio books or reading/writing if they are on a subway or train).

You can read a little more about the importance of personal rituals here.


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