Limiting Beliefs

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Limiting Beliefs,  True Self

    Wisdom is in the Stillness

    Every morning I sit in a rocking chair on my front porch with my coffee and journal.  No one else in my home is yet awake.  It is my special time.  My time to reflect and to talk to my Creator (God, Source, Spirit,  …).  Part of this morning ritual involves noticing signs or symbols that may be different than “normal”.  I believe Spirit speaks to me in the things that are all around me … including people, animals, even the weather.  This morning, there were lots of birds chattering and singing.  Not really unusual.  But among the noise, almost unnoticeable, I heard the soft sounds of an owl.  I…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Limiting Beliefs,  True Self

    Free to be ME!

    My life is anything BUT conventional and sometimes I really struggle with what Other People (OP) think. As I sat with my coffee this morning and let spirit and angels talk to me, I felt them saying “Your life is YOUR life. No one else needs to understand or validate the decisions you make for yourself or your family. Do everything with love and for the highest good.” Those OP, they will assume and judge – this is their inner voice, inner critic, continuing to align with their concept of truth.  Is what you choose kind and compassionate? Do you set personal boundaries?  Live YOUR life YOUR way.  This is where…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Limiting Beliefs,  Thoughts Are Things,  Uncategorized

    Assaulted by the Media

    I hadn’t thought about it much as I stopped watching the news a long time ago. But it was mentioned in a group the other day that the news typically points out only the negative.  I knew this, that’s part of why I stopped watching the news.  If only people knew how much fear and negative energy this was putting into their lives and their vibration. There was a time, not that long ago, when we didn’t need to talk about a concept like “random acts of kindness” … because people just did them.  But our media focus on the negative has left us in a perpetual feeling of gloom,…