Thoughts Are Things

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Hearth & Home,  Thoughts Are Things

    Feeling Protected

    Good morning everyone. I was sitting on my front porch a little while ago with my journal and a cup of coffee. Hurricane Irma is hitting south Florida and headed my way. I felt an overwhelming feeling that I need to share with folks who I hope will understand. I truly believe that everything has its own spirit, including our houses and cars and stuff like that. When my family bought our house 5+ years ago, there were a LOT of things on our “must have” list because we are a multi-generational family living under 1 roof. Although this house looked rough, I could see her structure was extremely sound and…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Thoughts Are Things

    Manifest Your Dreams

    My “dreams” have been a theme for a while now. My New Moon intention several weeks ago was to acknowledge and speak my dreams … for there is power in speaking. I spent some time researching essential oils that would support this journey as I wasn’t able to find a blend that I could purchase. I thought I’d share it with the group in case someone else wanted to explore using EOs to support their journey. I use mine in a special candle as well as a diffuser. The could also be used in a carrier oil for personal used. If anyone would like more info on methods, I’d be…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Thoughts Are Things

    Dream Weaver

    The New Moon is only a couple days away and it’s time to set my intention for this moon cycle.  I started a new group on Facebook (you can find Lunar Alchemy here) and was thinking about what I needed to post to help folks with this first step.  During my quiet time this morning, Spirit reminded me that I needed to “dare to dream”.  You see, it’s been a long time since I dreamed about what I wanted in life.  My dreams have been replaced by “wishful thinking”.  My guardian angels used this language to remind me that “dreams” come from the heart and, well, “wishful thinking” comes from…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Thoughts Are Things,  True Self

    Religion and Fear

    After a couple of discussions with people yesterday, I realized that something I thought was basic, fundamental knowledge … isn’t. Folks … Muslim is a religion (like Christianity, Buddhism, Jewish, and many others). Muslim is NOT a country where someone lives (like the US, Columbia, Egypt, India) and it is not a continent (like North American, Africa, Asia). Our country (I live in the US) is founded on religious freedom … the Puritans came here to escape the declared religious authority of their motherland … people were being killed because they refused to align with the country’s “declared” religion.

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Thoughts Are Things

    It’s Been Cracked

    There has been a huge crack in this melting pot we call American society. That crack has been covered up with matching wax (to make it look like it was great, whole, beautiful, and perfectly functioning). Well, folks … our melting pot heated up the past few months and the wax filling that huge crack melted. All of the hatred and separatism that’s been simmering, undercover, for centuries just leaked out and the whole damn stovetop (country) is covered with the residue. How do we clean it up? Let’s be light in the darkness … be love. Be the change you want to see (Gandhi). Treat your neighbor with the…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Limiting Beliefs,  Thoughts Are Things,  Uncategorized

    Assaulted by the Media

    I hadn’t thought about it much as I stopped watching the news a long time ago. But it was mentioned in a group the other day that the news typically points out only the negative.  I knew this, that’s part of why I stopped watching the news.  If only people knew how much fear and negative energy this was putting into their lives and their vibration. There was a time, not that long ago, when we didn’t need to talk about a concept like “random acts of kindness” … because people just did them.  But our media focus on the negative has left us in a perpetual feeling of gloom,…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Thoughts Are Things,  Uncategorized

    The Metronome Project

    To what are you giving your time and energy? What are you creating in YOUR world with YOUR thoughts? In a sense, the world really does revolve around you. It constantly swirls with the energetic frequency of your thoughts and feelings. These are the magnets in your life which attract or repel everything in your life. All of life attempts to join you with similar vibrations. This isn’t some magic thing or a line of BS. It’s based on the laws of physics. Have you ever seen the short video of 32 metronomes that synchronize to be in time? Take a minute to watch the video below. I think you’ll…