Ancient Wisdom

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Health & Wellness

    Reiki for Chronic Pain

    What is Reiki? Reiki is an ancient healing technique thought to have originated in India and then reintroduced in Japan in the 1920’s.  The Reiki practitioner, by gently placing hands on the client, can help to rearrange the body’s Chi (or life force energy) in such a way as to relieve pain, speed up healing, and promote a sense of peace and well-being within the subject.  Considered an Alternative Therapy, and often used to supplement or compliment Western medical techniques, Reiki has been shown to be effective in support of the healing process. How is Chronic Pain Defined? Chronic pain is defined as any level of physical discomfort that lasts…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Relax & Renew

    Craving the Quiet

    I believe we are living in a world which demands that our body is on high alert almost all the time.  The consciousness of mankind is bombarded by stimulus every waking moment.  We process more data/noise in an hour than our grandparents might have processed in a month.  When does the body have a chance to shut down from this, regenerate and seek to balance itself? We need the down time, and yet we rarely take it.  We say we are too busy and yet our busy-ness is creating a stress level that our ancestors would have found unbearable.  Actually, our bodies do find it unbearable.  Our high stress levels…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Relax & Renew,  Thoughts Are Things

    Thoughts are Things

    As an energy healer, I don’t HEAL you … I am a facilitator helping your body as it seeks the balance it needs which enables it to begin to heal itself. So many times when I’m working on someone, they will say things like: Do you feel that knot there? I have a lot of tension in my shoulders, don’t I? Are you finding anything wrong? Truth be told … the answer is usually “No.”  The simple reason for this is because I’m not looking for something wrong to fix.  My intention is to provide your body an opportunity to relax and find the balance it seeks in order to…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Hearth & Home

    Finding Love in Life

    I’ve been divorced for about 10 years now.  We were emotionally separated long before that and our relationship was more like that of house mates … not even roommates, because they typically do SOME things together. I’ve dated a couple of people on and off during this time and, for a while, thought I’d connected with someone that I wanted to share my life with.  I discovered though that we could spend time together DOING things, but he never wanted to just BE with me.  You know, just relaxing at the house and enjoying quiet conversation and each other’s company.  I realized we didn’t want the same things out of…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Hearth & Home

    A Tradition of Healers

    Someone asked me the other day if I came from a long line of healers.  I took a couple of seconds to answer this, and my answer formed as I was speaking. My first thought was “not really” … but I hesitated; and spirit revealed a truth that had never occurred to me.  My mom and my grandmothers were healers in their own way.  The were strong, powerful women who took care of themselves and their families.  My grandmothers lived through the Great Depression and were of modest means and yet they thrived where others perished. The women of my family have not been afraid to be themselves and share…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Relax & Renew,  Thoughts Are Things

    Morning Peacefulness

    If you’re a regular reader, you might remember my post a little while ago about Reclaiming My Rosary where I talked about using my rosary in a non-traditional way as a meditation tool.  For the past few weeks, I’ve been using some personal affirmations, elemental/directional statements, parts of the Prayer of St. Francis, and paraphrases of the Reiki Principles during my meditation.  It helps me focus my meditation and provides positive statements for my mind to dwell on.  And it’s made a big difference in my mental outlook in just a few short weeks. I’ve had time over the past few days to listen to some Abraham Hicks sound clips on…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  True Self

    Reclaiming My Rosary

    I grew up in the Catholic Church … it’s a part of my heritage that goes back several generations. To make a LONG story short, I walked away from the Catholic Church shortly after high school and I think I explored most other Christian churches in the 30 years that followed before walking away from the church about 8 years ago. I was tired of the hypocrisy and hatred/condemnation that was spewed from the pulpits rather than the love, compassion, and forgiveness which is the story of the Bible. I walked away from the church, but I didn’t walk away from God. I am deeply spiritual and it was important…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Thoughts Are Things

    Dream Weaver

    The New Moon is only a couple days away and it’s time to set my intention for this moon cycle.  I started a new group on Facebook (you can find Lunar Alchemy here) and was thinking about what I needed to post to help folks with this first step.  During my quiet time this morning, Spirit reminded me that I needed to “dare to dream”.  You see, it’s been a long time since I dreamed about what I wanted in life.  My dreams have been replaced by “wishful thinking”.  My guardian angels used this language to remind me that “dreams” come from the heart and, well, “wishful thinking” comes from…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  True Self

    Not a Coincidence

    Learning to trust my intuition has been a challenge for me.  I second-guess my self on a regular basis.  After so many years of doing this work and seeing alignment, this continues to be an area of struggle for me.  One of my affirmations for the past month or so has been … My intuition is strong and accurate. I don’t believe in coincidence, I fully acknowledge the synchronicity of things showing up in our lives … signs, symbols, omens.  For the past couple of weeks, my guides have been working overtime to help me trust my intuition. I journal almost every day as part of my morning ritual.  I…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  True Self

    Angel Wings & Essential Oils

    My family has used essential oils (EO) on and off for about 30 years … my mom got us started a LONG time ago.  I used them often when she was alive, but when she died about 12 years ago, none of the rest of us really picked up on it.  I think my niece got her oils, I got a book or two … but we never really did anything with it. A couple of years ago, I went back to school for my massage therapy license and decided I wanted to incorporate some EO basics into my sessions.  I picked up some of my favorites and started doing…