Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions

Setting Energy Boundaries

I am often asked about energy boundaries or shields.  When we are with other people or out and about, our energy fields interact with those of others.  While we can put up an energy barrier or wall, that’s not likely the best option.  I prefer to set an intention for non-beneficial energies to be transmuted or transformed into energies which are beneficial.

I recall very vividly an event several years ago that I attended with my boyfriend.  We went to a very large street fair.  The main street of the town was wall to wall people for about 20 blocks and the streets were closed to cars.  We went later in the day and the beer tents had been open a long time.  This was a party-hard group and people were stumbling drunk by this time and frustrated because of the very tight quarters and being bumped and jostled.  We walked from one end to the other and I didn’t give much thought to establishing an energy boundary of any kind as my BF and I usually are good buffers for each other.  By the time we got to the end of the street, I could feel the anxiety and frustration within me rising.  All I wanted to do was “get out” as fast as possible … but the car was a long way from where we were and we would have to walk back.  I knew there was no way that was going to work for me.  I crossed over a couple of blocks to a parallel street that was away from the crowds and walked back to the car to wait for my BF.  I was able to pull my own energies back to me and “brush off” those I’d picked up along the way earlier.  By the time my BF arrived back at the car, I felt much better.

While I don’t feel the need to protect, I do feel the need to establish energy boundaries. We need to state where our energy is in somebody else’s begins. For me, it’s very similar to putting on a coat when I go outside in the cold … it’s insulation. I don’t view it as protecting, but rather adding another layer as a buffer.  Our energy fields interact with and bump into those of the people around us. Just as gloves or a coat provide insulation from the cold, intentionally setting an energy boundary insulates us from the energies of others. I can make a quick trip from the house to the car when it’s cold without much problem, but don’t want to stand outside in it without added layers of insulation. When I am out around a lot of stressed-out people or need to spend a great deal of time with a “negative nelly” group of people, I want extra layers between me and them. Energy synchronizes with the stronger vibration and if there is enough negative for a long period of time, the positive loses out. This earlier post from my website has an interesting video about synchronization.

I have a very quick intention or prayer that I use and it goes something like this:

Father, Mother, God, Goddess, Angels and Archangels, Guides, Ascended Masters, and Ancient Ones. I ask that you surround me with your angelic energy, protection, support, and care. Please anchor a column of pure, positive white light and love around me as a protective boundary. I ask that all negative or non-beneficial energy around me be transmuted and converted into beneficial life-enhancing energy as appropriate for my highest and best good. I declare it is so. It is done. So be it. Thank you.

Personalize it so it is meaningful for you.  Maybe you know the names of your guides/angels and want to specifically name them.  I know the names of mine and have set an intention for them to specifically be part of any “call” I make for assistance and support.  I like to include anyone in other realms who might want to offer guidance as you just never know who is available to help at any given moment.  Please take what resonates with you and discard the rest.

I’d love to know what works for you.  Please leave a comment below and share your ideas with others.  There is no right or wrong way … it’s all about finding what works best for each of us.


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