• Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions

    Setting Energy Boundaries

    I am often asked about energy boundaries or shields.  When we are with other people or out and about, our energy fields interact with those of others.  While we can put up an energy barrier or wall, that’s not likely the best option.  I prefer to set an intention for non-beneficial energies to be transmuted or transformed into energies which are beneficial. I recall very vividly an event several years ago that I attended with my boyfriend.  We went to a very large street fair.  The main street of the town was wall to wall people for about 20 blocks and the streets were closed to cars.  We went later…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Quiet Spaces

    How I Do Sessions by Email

    Sessions by email?!?!  Really???? Absolutely!  The energy matrix of the universe connects all of us and allows me to work with anyone, anywhere even when I’ve never met or talked to them.  Online or email sessions are the foundation of my business and I’ve been blessed to work with people all over the world. I love that I can sit for as long as needed with my focus and intention only on you and your concern.  It also allows great flexibility for me as I work sessions in around my family schedule. How does this work? You select the kind of session you want (energy clearing, house healing, past life,…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Life Coaching,  Limiting Beliefs,  Positive Thinking & Affirmations,  Thoughts Are Things,  Transform Your Life

    Despair Anchors

    Mental health plays a huge role in the way we view ourselves and our world. It is vitally important to take note of how you think about yourself and your life. Holding too many negative beliefs reinforces unhealthy Despair Anchors.  Despair Anchors are negative thought patterns that have become ingrained (or programmed) in your subconscious. Let’s take a closer look at how they can affect your life as well as some effective ways to release them. When you frequently repeat negative self-talk and ideas, they enter your subconscious. The more often you repeat the idea or concept, the more powerful it becomes. When repeated often enough, it begins change the…