Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Quiet Spaces

How I Do Sessions by Email

Sessions by email?!?!  Really????

Absolutely!  The energy matrix of the universe connects all of us and allows me to work with anyone, anywhere even when I’ve never met or talked to them.  Online or email sessions are the foundation of my business and I’ve been blessed to work with people all over the world.

I love that I can sit for as long as needed with my focus and intention only on you and your concern.  It also allows great flexibility for me as I work sessions in around my family schedule.

How does this work?

You select the kind of session you want (energy clearing, house healing, past life, etc) and make your purchase through my website.    When I have received notification of your payment, I send you a link to an online form that provides me with a few details regarding the focus or intention of your session.  Once I have received everything from you, I add your session to my calendar.

Settling in for a session

I live in a busy multi-generational home and someone else is always at home (and we have a dog, too).  The first thing I do is fix a cup of coffee or tea and let everyone know I’ll be working.  We have created a wonderful sanctuary area in our home for quiet moments.  They know not to bother me when the door is closed (unless there is a dire emergency).

I usually have a candle lit and my custom essential oil blend in the diffuser.  I sit for a few minutes and ask my guides and angels to work with me on your behalf … always for your highest and best good.  I look over the information you’ve provided for your session and focus on providing answers to or clearing your concern.

The session

If you have requested energy clearing, I work through the appropriate protocol for your concern and type whatever comes up.  It may be specific emotions that need to be cleared and sometimes it is words, connections, symbolism, messages, etc.  I used to be an administrative assistant, so I’m blessed to be able to type almost as fast as I can think 😊

Finalizing your session

When I’ve completed your session, I go back through and proofread what I’ve written to make sure it makes sense and doesn’t have any glaring mistakes.  When I have all the details in place, I create a PDF and attach it to an email.

As I’m clicking the “send” button for your email, I infuse your session with angelic healing light and love and ask for you to be bathed in pure positive white light.  I then thank my angels and guides for their assistance, get up from my chair and wash my hands to disconnect our energies.  If I have another session, I grab another drink as I touch base with the family and then start again.

I love that I’ve been doing this long enough to have made some deep connections with repeat clients and enjoy being able to provide a little coaching with each of my sessions and watching as my clients grow and change and fulfill their dreams.

Are you ready to spread a little magic fairy dust and see what magic might be waiting for you?  Click here to schedule your session and let’s get started.


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