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Guided Meditation – Finding Peace in Chaos

In our fast-paced world, it is increasingly difficult to relax and de-stress.

We pull up the internet and Google can return 22 million results in less than a second. This constant barrage of information, along with the hustle and bustle of our tech-driven era is enough to make anyone anxious.

So how do you find calm amid the daily chaos?  Guided meditation is one of the ways I most often recommend to my clients.  All of my in-house Reiki sessions include guided meditation as part of the process and it has made a huge difference in helping people relax and come down out of fight/flight mode and be able to truly find some peace and relaxation.

What is guided meditation?

Sometimes referred to as guided imagery or visualization, this form of meditation has been used for thousands of years. It is a form of meditation that has been practiced around the world and is a great tool for managing stress and anxiety.

The premise is simple – visual cues are used to bring the mind and body back to a state of calm and bliss. The meditation itself incorporates the power of the imagination along with one’s senses and emotions.  One of the greatest advantages is that it can be practiced by anyone of any age.  Schools are beginning to incorporate meditation into their curriculum and find that suspensions and verbal and physical altercations are decreased.

Benefits of guided meditation?

Science has extensively proven that meditation and its many facets are incredible for both mental and emotional well-being.  The effects of meditation also indirectly support overall health and wellness.  Some of the known positive effects are:

  • Increased self-awareness
  • Reduction of stress levels (by reducing the level of cortisol in your body)
  • Eases chronic pain
  • Alleviates feelings of anxiety and depression
  • Assists with inducing sleep
  • Creates a sense of patience and reduces feelings of anger
  • Allows for focus on the present
  • Promotes creativity
  • And, most importantly, it helps restore balance within oneself.

Where can you find a good guided meditation?

While you could purchase a CD or create your own, there are many wonderful guided meditations on YouTube.  You can go to the beach or take a walk in the woods.  Maybe you want nature sounds or maybe you simply want quiet music in the background.  Looking for one to address stress, insomnia, anger, joy, or letting go of the past?  You’ll find them on YouTube.  My clients seem to be partial to the following two YouTube Channels but there are so many more.

Jason Stephenson
Paul Babin

Balancing our chakras or energy centers is important as it allows our body systems to more fully work in harmony with one another.  This is a wonderful Chakra Balancing Meditation that my clients very much enjoy.

Find some that work for you.  I recommend first thing in the morning and just before bed.  This helps you start and end your day with your thoughts quiet and calm.

Steps to practice guided meditation at home

Before beginning a meditation, you will want to:

  • Find a place where you can relax for a few minutes without being disturbed
  • Wear comfy clothing
  • Find a comfortable position (sitting or lying down are both fine)

Once you are ready, these tips may help enhance your session:

  1. First Set Your Intention — Know what you want to achieve from this. Are there specific stressors that you would like to explore? Have an idea beforehand of what you would like to address.
  1. Take Time to Relax the Body — Be conscious of your breathing. Take in deep breaths and exhale. Notice if there are parts of your body that are holding on to tension. Relax your muscles as much as you can.

After your session, mindfulness can play an important part in helping your body maintain a feeling of balance and flow of energy throughout:

  1. Check-in with Your Senses — What can you feel? Is there a breeze on your skin? What smells surround you? Can you hear anything around you?
  1. Check-in with Your Feelings or Emotions — Once your body is relaxed, explore those stressors that you placed aside in step 1. How did they make you feel? Why did they make you feel this way? Is there anything specific that brought on this unease?
  1. Check-in with Your Body — Keep watch of your breathing. Monitor your muscles. Do you tense up more when thinking about your daily stressors? Where do you tense up? Consciously relax your muscles.

Remember to set time aside every day, if possible.  As with many wellness techniques, there is a cumulative effect with meditation and your mind and body will benefit from regular sessions.

I’d love to hear your experience with guided meditation, so feel free to drop me a note, leave a comment below, or head on over to my Facebook page and join the conversation.

The Health Benefits of Guided Imagery
The Powerful Benefits of Guided Meditation Relaxation
Meditation: A Simple, Fast Way to Reduce Stress


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