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I Promise …

For many people, taking a vow or an oath sticks with them … even after it no longer serves its purpose.  This can be especially true when you have been married and are now divorced.  Several clients recently had “vows” come up to be cleared during sessions as they were creating imbalances due to limiting beliefs.

I often work with women and these women had been married and divorced.  Yet the commitment they made during their wedding vows continued to impact them in a big way.  During traditional marriage vows, we promise to stay with the other person in sickness and health, rich or poor.  We additionally promise to love, honor, and cherish that person for the rest of our lives.

Our subconscious takes this vow seriously and there are often the residual vibrations of these vows within the body due to the tremendous amount of emotion involved at the time they were made.  This can leave us feeling guilty, confused, and so much more.  Releasing these vows/oaths can have a tremendous impact on our relationships with others as well as with ourselves.  Marriages typically begin with a ceremony or ritual … and they should end that way as well.  It is part of the symbolism of making a new contract with yourself.

You can do something special or formal … or you can take a nice hot bath and set the intention of releasing those vows and promises that were made to someone else and let them go down the drain with the water.

Once that’s completed, make the same promises to yourself … to love, honor, and cherish yourself; and to do all you can for your own personal health and well-being.  You may want to include a cord-cutting ritual as well.  And then weave a new life for yourself after fully releasing promises of the past which no longer serve your best or highest good.

Not sure how to go about this or want some help?  There are lots of free videos on YouTube and Google has a wealth of information about releasing ceremonies and rituals.  However, many times it helps to have the assistance of someone who can hold space for you and strengthen your intention.  I regularly work with clients to help them release trapped emotions in all areas of their lives.  Feel free to schedule an appointment or reach out to me.


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