Relax & Renew

  • Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Hearth & Home,  Massage,  Relax & Renew

    What Are You Aware Of?

    It seems like every week and month we’re exposed to (or bombarded with?) new Awareness Campaigns. The internet has connected, and educated, us with ever-increasing speed and depth. Because of awareness campaigns we know more about brain injury, the need for clean water (both domestically and throughout the world, the importance of net neutrality, and how to support people with cancer. We can take action and be a part of the causes we care about. This awareness can also be overwhelming. It can be tough to choose which causes to support, and in that deluge of need, we may choose to support nothing. Or we burn ourselves out supporting everything.…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Hearth & Home,  Relax & Renew

    3 Easy Random Acts of Kindness

    February 18 is the start of Random Acts of Kindness Week. Their website is packed with great ideas on how to celebrate, and I especially love the approach of committing a random act of kindness for three different people: Someone you don’t know Someone you know Yourself Someone you don’t know This is pretty simple and can quickly become a habit. (That could be a good thing!) Smile. When you’re in a depressingly long line at the bank, watching a parent deal with their toddler’s public meltdown, or sitting next to another car in traffic. A kind grin goes a long way when you’re feeling a bit hopeless about the…

  • Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Relax & Renew

    Can Reiki Help with PTSD Symptoms?

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a serious condition which occurs after a traumatic incident. While it is most commonly associated with military combat, other types of trauma can trigger this condition (examples:  rape, abuse, and domestic violence).  This article will briefly discuss why PTSD occurs and how Reiki can help. Experiencing a serious trauma can trigger PTSD as the brain struggles to make sense of the event. PTSD can often result in re-experiencing the event, many times with vivid imagery or nightmares. Additionally, someone experiencing PTSD may become hyper-alert.  Being constantly on the lookout for danger can result in difficulties sleeping and focusing.  Some other common symptoms are avoiding…

  • Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Relax & Renew

    Have You Checked Your “Feel Good” Barometer?

    Have you taken the time to check your “Feel Good” barometer?  On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 being really yucky and 10 being great), how would you answer this question … How good do I feel? Some people say things like “oh, well … I have a little pain or discomfort, but it’s not too bad.”  On the above scale, where would you place the level of that discomfort?  Many folks brush off these regular discomforts without realizing that excess or stuck energy may be the reason for that pain/discomfort.  It’s all relative to the person in pain; however, I think anything 5 or below to be…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Relax & Renew

    Craving the Quiet

    I believe we are living in a world which demands that our body is on high alert almost all the time.  The consciousness of mankind is bombarded by stimulus every waking moment.  We process more data/noise in an hour than our grandparents might have processed in a month.  When does the body have a chance to shut down from this, regenerate and seek to balance itself? We need the down time, and yet we rarely take it.  We say we are too busy and yet our busy-ness is creating a stress level that our ancestors would have found unbearable.  Actually, our bodies do find it unbearable.  Our high stress levels…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Relax & Renew,  Thoughts Are Things

    Thoughts are Things

    As an energy healer, I don’t HEAL you … I am a facilitator helping your body as it seeks the balance it needs which enables it to begin to heal itself. So many times when I’m working on someone, they will say things like: Do you feel that knot there? I have a lot of tension in my shoulders, don’t I? Are you finding anything wrong? Truth be told … the answer is usually “No.”  The simple reason for this is because I’m not looking for something wrong to fix.  My intention is to provide your body an opportunity to relax and find the balance it seeks in order to…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Relax & Renew,  Thoughts Are Things

    Morning Peacefulness

    If you’re a regular reader, you might remember my post a little while ago about Reclaiming My Rosary where I talked about using my rosary in a non-traditional way as a meditation tool.  For the past few weeks, I’ve been using some personal affirmations, elemental/directional statements, parts of the Prayer of St. Francis, and paraphrases of the Reiki Principles during my meditation.  It helps me focus my meditation and provides positive statements for my mind to dwell on.  And it’s made a big difference in my mental outlook in just a few short weeks. I’ve had time over the past few days to listen to some Abraham Hicks sound clips on…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Essential Oils,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Limiting Beliefs,  Relax & Renew

    Time to “Let It Go”

    Sometimes letting go of things that no longer serve our highest interest is easier said than done.  Those pesky thoughts keep coming back and are often at conflict with the new thoughts and beliefs we want to bring forth.  Maintaining balanced thought processes and healthy relationships can be a real challenge.  Despite our best efforts, it just seems like we are in a pit of quicksand that those old thought patterns are slowly sucking us in and holding on tight.  Just when we think we’re about to break free, we lose our grip on the life rope or low hanging branch and are stuck again. When all else failed, I…

  • Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Relax & Renew,  True Self

    Clearing Sacred Space

    If you thought maybe you’d missed a post or something … the answer is “no”.  While I have every intention of posting on a weekly basis, sometimes LIFE happens and gets in the way or, quite, simply, I don’t have an inspiration to write anything.  You see, my posts aren’t planned ahead of time or thematic like many bloggers.  Mine are divinely/angelically inspired.  It could be what’s going on in the world or my community.  Maybe it’s a conversation I saw on Social Media or overheard somewhere.  Or maybe it’s a message Spirit wants me to share. Lately though, I’ve been doing a lot of deeply personal clearing and these…

  • Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Hearth & Home,  Relax & Renew,  True Self

    Topsy Turvy

    My last post on “Morning Routine” sat here as a draft for quite a while before I posted it.  Things got more than just a little crazy at my house and my sacred ROUTINE wasn’t anywhere in the mix anymore and life became Topsy Turvy (or up-side-down) in a BIG way.  Nothing was going right at work or at home and my stress level was through the roof. I’d started a part-time job that took me away from my home office 4 days a week.  The job I’d had the past 6+ years ceased to exist as the company closed, and I started taking online classes to finish up the…