• Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Life Coaching,  Limiting Beliefs,  Positive Thinking & Affirmations,  Thoughts Are Things,  Transform Your Life

    Despair Anchors

    Mental health plays a huge role in the way we view ourselves and our world. It is vitally important to take note of how you think about yourself and your life. Holding too many negative beliefs reinforces unhealthy Despair Anchors.  Despair Anchors are negative thought patterns that have become ingrained (or programmed) in your subconscious. Let’s take a closer look at how they can affect your life as well as some effective ways to release them. When you frequently repeat negative self-talk and ideas, they enter your subconscious. The more often you repeat the idea or concept, the more powerful it becomes. When repeated often enough, it begins change the…

  • Hurry Less,  Massage,  Quiet Spaces,  Safe Sanctuary

    Relaxation Day

    Busy-ness is the trend these days. People carry over-packed schedules like winning trophies. “I’m SO busy at work!” “How do you have time to do that? I’m too busy to read/watch TV/exercise/do anything fun.” “I can’t get monthly massages I have too much to DO!” Too much “busy” could be making you tired, sick, and probably cranky. When do you relax? RELAX. “Relaxation” is a word we hear often, but don’t know always know what it means.    re·lax  verb ri-ˈlaks 1: the state of being free from tension or anxiety. 2: a way to rest and enjoy yourself 3: recreation or rest, especially after a period of work. 4:…