• Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Positive Thinking & Affirmations

    Do Good Luck Symbols, Charms, Talismans, Amulets, Crystals & Other Items Really Work?

    Symbols and symbolism are popular in almost every civilization, culture, and religion that has evolved on Earth. They are deeply rooted in the way we go about day-to-day living.  Symbols impact our subconscious mind.  If their influence is strong enough, they can stimulate confidence, effort, and positive outcomes. Whether we realize it or not … paintings, pictures, jewelry, statues, birds, animals, and so forth have meaning and affect us. After closely watching nature, recurring events, and environmental life over a period of centuries, humankind has developed a vast and time-tested database of Positive Symbols.  When the geometric shape, size, meaning, and other nuances are properly understood and activated, it results…

  • For Pets' Sake,  Massage,  Pets,  Uncategorized

    Why Should We Massage Pets?

    Just as life’s events create stress in our lives, our animal friends can also suffer from a build-up of physical and emotional tensions. This makes our pets more susceptible to injuries and illness no matter how well we care for them. Just as people receive massage to enhance the body’s well-being, PetMassage™ is a practical, helpful addition to any animal’s health care program and complements both traditional and holistic veterinary care. Overall Benefits of PetMassage™ Therapy • Improves blood flow and circulation • Revitalizes stressed muscle – relieves muscle tension, soreness, and spasms • Balances the effects of stress and anxiety. • Facilitates posture and body balance, improves muscle tone…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Relax & Renew,  Uncategorized,  Wellness

    What Happens After a Session?

    I’m often asked what kind of feelings you may experience after a session or reading (emotional and physical). To be honest … it all depends.  Some folks feel energized and fantastic while others feel emotionally drained or out-of-sorts.  And it depends on whether you are sensitive to vibrational energy shifts in your body. Energy healing may be subtle – but it is very powerful and can be a wonderful tool that leads to profound health benefits.  Let me see if I can explain … Whenever we do energy work (and that’s what all my work is about), we are changing the body’s vibrational energy.  Most folks can’t physically “see” this, but…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Hurry Less,  Peaceful Living,  Quiet Spaces,  Relax & Renew,  Safe Sanctuary

    Guided Meditation – Finding Peace in Chaos

    In our fast-paced world, it is increasingly difficult to relax and de-stress. We pull up the internet and Google can return 22 million results in less than a second. This constant barrage of information, along with the hustle and bustle of our tech-driven era is enough to make anyone anxious. So how do you find calm amid the daily chaos?  Guided meditation is one of the ways I most often recommend to my clients.  All of my in-house Reiki sessions include guided meditation as part of the process and it has made a huge difference in helping people relax and come down out of fight/flight mode and be able to…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  For Pets' Sake,  Health & Wellness,  Pets,  Uncategorized

    Reiki for Pets & Animals

    Pets, animals, and plants all have universal live energy and, hence, can be rebalanced and revitalized with Reiki.  What kind of critter can receive Reiki?  Reiki can be used with any animal, reptile, fish, mammal, or bird.  Plants, too.  And, of course, people of all shapes, sizes, ages, and health. Reiki is a form of natural energy healing.  It can be performed in-person or through absent healing.  Healing with regard to Energy Healing refers to the balancing of energy within the body to allow it to better heal itself.  Energy healing has been practiced for thousands of years in many countries around the world.  Reiki is a Japanese form of…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Wellness

    What Are Flower Essences?

    A flower essence session enhances the individual’s awareness of personal patterns by dilute flower preparations.  This is accomplished by giving the individual a conscious opportunity to continue or change the way they do things. An individual no longer needs flower essences after change and growth have occurred. There is a theory that the frequency of the life energy of a particular flower affects the frequency of the life energy in people, bringing vibrations that are out of balance into balance. Everything in the universe carries a vibration including colors, sounds, and organs in the body. Some even say flower essences work in the same way as a synchronizing tuning fork,…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions

    Setting Energy Boundaries

    I am often asked about energy boundaries or shields.  When we are with other people or out and about, our energy fields interact with those of others.  While we can put up an energy barrier or wall, that’s not likely the best option.  I prefer to set an intention for non-beneficial energies to be transmuted or transformed into energies which are beneficial. I recall very vividly an event several years ago that I attended with my boyfriend.  We went to a very large street fair.  The main street of the town was wall to wall people for about 20 blocks and the streets were closed to cars.  We went later…

  • Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Safe Sanctuary,  Wellness

    Grief – Surviving the Holidays

    Many struggle through the holidays carrying a burden of grief.  It may be grief caused by the death of a loved one, or it may be the loss of a way of life (divorce, break-up, job loss, career change), it could be the diagnosis of a terminal illness, or any life-altering event. There are 7 stages of grief and we need to work through each of them to move forward: shock and denial, pain and guilt, anger and bargaining, depression, the upward turn, reconstruction and working through, acceptance and hope. Grief is very personal.  Some people work through them faster than others and the order is not the same for…

  • Ancient Wisdom,  Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Healing Thoughts,  Hearth & Home,  Peaceful Living,  Quiet Spaces,  Relax & Renew,  Transform Your Life,  Uncategorized

    Darkness to Light

    My house is quiet as it’s early and everyone else is still asleep.  It’s not all that cold this morning, but I decided to use the fireplace as a focal point for meditation.  The fire just started talking with its sizzling, crackling, and popping.  The little white lights on our holiday tree add to the peaceful feeling. During this Season of Lights, we reflect on the growing darkness as we approach the time of Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year.  In about a week, the days will begin to lengthen once again.  This ongoing cycle reminds us that darkness is but “for a time.” When the days grow…

  • Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Life Coaching,  Positive Thinking & Affirmations,  Quiet Spaces,  Thoughts Are Things,  Transform Your Life,  Wellness

    Happiness and Health: The Two Most Important Things in Life

    The world appears to be obsessed with money and material things.   Keeping up appearances … the size of your house, the type of car you drive, and even where you travel on your holidays … has many folks trying to do one better do their friends and family.  I find this sad and disheartening. I have a friend who is like those mentioned above.  His thoughts are consumed with money.  He is always talking about money … how to earn it, how to spend it, how much he doesn’t have, how much “so and so” makes, all the things he’ll change when he wins the lottery, etc. He spends more on…