• Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Peaceful Living,  True Self

    Relationship Woes

    Every once in awhile, I receive a call from someone wanting to talk to a psychic. I’m intuitive, but don’t claim to be psychic and don’t feel we should ever rely on someone else to “tell us what to do” which is often the way those conversations start. I offered to do a coaching session. The young man wanted to know the difference between a psychic reading and a coaching session.  I explained that coaching would help him make a decision for himself and asked what he was concerned about. A relationship. Should he choose Woman A or Woman B? And he immediately started telling me a little about both.…

  • Uncategorized

    Weight Loss Struggles?

    Are you ready to break through your blocks to weight loss and emotional eating? Does any of this sound familiar to you? You feel anxious at the mere thought of starting another diet You have tried diets, classes, groups, pills, and followed the weight-loss gurus … but nothing works or lasts. You share the same beliefs about body weight and food that your parents had You don’t believe you can achieve your goal weight, so you’ve just given up You have limiting beliefs about your body weight and fitness You suspect past experiences make it hard for you to lose weight You are tired of failing and discouraged because you…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Quiet Spaces

    How I Do Sessions by Email

    Sessions by email?!?!  Really???? Absolutely!  The energy matrix of the universe connects all of us and allows me to work with anyone, anywhere even when I’ve never met or talked to them.  Online or email sessions are the foundation of my business and I’ve been blessed to work with people all over the world. I love that I can sit for as long as needed with my focus and intention only on you and your concern.  It also allows great flexibility for me as I work sessions in around my family schedule. How does this work? You select the kind of session you want (energy clearing, house healing, past life,…

  • Encouragement & Inspiration,  Peaceful Living,  Quiet Spaces,  Safe Sanctuary

    Angels at WalMart

    While others seem to have negative experiences with people at WalMart, it seems to be where angels show up for me.  It happened again yesterday when I was out grabbing groceries. We’d been putting off a grocery run for about a week due to other activities but couldn’t delay it anymore.  I’d already stopped at Aldi and picked up most of the things but needed to pop in at the WalMart Neighborhood Market for a few fresh fruits and veggies that Aldi didn’t have.  I stay away from the big WalMart, but this little market is always pleasant and it’s on my way home from Aldi. As I finished picking…

  • Health & Wellness,  Wellness

    Is It REALLY Worth It?

    Sometimes we just don’t realize how much food has to do with our body aches and state of mind.  I hopefully learned a lesson over the past couple of days. I’ve been busy the past few days and I ate more prepared foods than I normally do.  I don’t fix fancy meals, but I usually work mostly from scratch and use as much organic as possible.  We have a couple of Aldi stores close to us which makes organic options affordable.  I also find I feel better if I limit starches. Let’s just say that my diet earlier this week was anything but normal for me and I felt the…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Encouragement & Inspiration,  Finding Balance,  Life Coaching,  Limiting Beliefs,  Positive Thinking & Affirmations,  Thoughts Are Things,  Transform Your Life

    Despair Anchors

    Mental health plays a huge role in the way we view ourselves and our world. It is vitally important to take note of how you think about yourself and your life. Holding too many negative beliefs reinforces unhealthy Despair Anchors.  Despair Anchors are negative thought patterns that have become ingrained (or programmed) in your subconscious. Let’s take a closer look at how they can affect your life as well as some effective ways to release them. When you frequently repeat negative self-talk and ideas, they enter your subconscious. The more often you repeat the idea or concept, the more powerful it becomes. When repeated often enough, it begins change the…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Finding Balance,  Health & Wellness,  Life Coaching,  Limiting Beliefs,  Transform Your Life,  Wellness

    Cord Cutting

    Cord Cutting First, a bit about entanglement or cords: Our energy field can look something like this mass of electrical wires in the photo. Quantum Entanglement is the concept that two people, no matter how physically far apart they may be, can still be connected by an invisible cord of energy. The space between you and any other person/object may appear empty, but it is full of energy. You have living energy, your spouse or partner has energy, the lamp has electrical energy, and even the sofa has potential energy. The energy in the spaces between generally just passes through the other energy. It slides on by without causing more…

  • Finding Balance,  Healing Thoughts,  Life Coaching,  Limiting Beliefs,  Relax & Renew,  Safe Sanctuary,  Transform Your Life

    I Promise …

    For many people, taking a vow or an oath sticks with them … even after it no longer serves its purpose.  This can be especially true when you have been married and are now divorced.  Several clients recently had “vows” come up to be cleared during sessions as they were creating imbalances due to limiting beliefs. I often work with women and these women had been married and divorced.  Yet the commitment they made during their wedding vows continued to impact them in a big way.  During traditional marriage vows, we promise to stay with the other person in sickness and health, rich or poor.  We additionally promise to love,…

  • Beliefs & Intentions,  Life Coaching,  Limiting Beliefs,  Thoughts Are Things,  Transform Your Life

    Cultural Programming or Dreams

    There was a time not that long ago when most folks were entrepreneurs.  Many were farmers as we lived in an agrarian society.  Communities were small and shops locally owned.  Children went into the family business or learned a different skill/trade and went into business for themselves.  People, in general, were doing what they felt called to do. Then industrialization came along, and people were needed for the factories.  Students were taught from an early age to sit and follow directions.  Creative thought and expression were often thwarted and those who didn’t fit the prescribed mold were admonished.  There wasn’t much room for individual creativity or dreams. Corporations grew and…

  • Limiting Beliefs,  Positive Thinking & Affirmations,  Thoughts Are Things

    No! I Don’t “Got It”!

    During my session yesterday with an energy healer (yes, I still work on myself), something came up that I want to share with you. I used the phrase “I got it” a couple of times and later was talking about picking up the physical pains of my clients before a session (both in-person and remote/distance).  Lori, my practitioner, asked me if I use that phrase often.  I kind of do as covers a lot of different bases during conversations. Lori suggested I find other words as we typically don’t want to “get” what other people have.  I’ll be honest, I hadn’t ever thought about it and I think about that…